Your answer begins with data
test options tailored to you
You might already feel as though you’ve gone through several tests and you’ve come to the end of the line without answers. There are more testing options (other than by traditional means) that may give a more robust picture of what is happening in your body. Tests look not only at the bad stuff, but also the good stuff providing a clear picture. A typical example of this is Comprehensive Stool Testing, where we look at the colonisation of both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria. Testing diagnostics can enlighten the individual and the practitioner on often overlooked and elusive answers. Threading all of the test results together help connect the dots to uncover mysterious causes and answers that have often been overlooked
A Revolutionary hormone test
DUTCH stands for dry urine test for comprehensive hormones. This test gives the most complete profile of your hormones.
Science-Backed Hormone test
By collecting urine samples using filter paper 4-5x throughout a day in addition to a saliva collection, we gain insight into your hormone profile unavailable via blood testing.
- More thorough than blood tests alone
- Results give a complete hormonal profile
- Not usually offered in conventional medical settings
9 Common Tests Used
In addition to Comprehensive Stool Testing, SIBO and Organic Acid Testing I frequently work with the following tests to better understand client’s symptom drivers and therefore best intervention.
Intolerance and allergy p88 antigen food panel
Intestinal permeability test (Leaky gut test)
Diamine oxidase (dao) - histamine degredation
Celiac and gluten sensitivity testing
This test helps differentiate between Coeliac Disease, gluten sensitivity and wheat allergy. This test is useful for patients with gastric symptoms, ongoing skin conditions, CFS/ME, autoimmunity, arthritis, and neurological conditions.
womens key complete
This test identifies microbial overgrowth associated with chronic UTIs and interstitial cystitis. Extensive assessment of 14,000 microbes potentially associated with irritable bladder, interstitial cystitis and chronic UTIs resistant to regular antibiotic use. This test identifies microbial overgrowth and antibiotic sensitivity allowing for targeted intervention.
female blood panel
Screens key female hormones fundamental to female wellness from teenage to menopause.
Adrenal stress panel
Chronic stress may lead to both excess and deficiencies of DHEA and cortisol implicated in illness and immune suppression. Fatigue, nervousness, weakness, sugar cravings, insomnia, dizzy spells, headaches, irritability, fibromyalgia, chronic inflammation, hormone imbalances, infections, poor sleep, anxiety and depression are common symptoms.
Mycotoxin profile
Mycotoxins released into the environment from mold can lead to chronic illness in susceptible individuals. Exposure may initiate unsuspecting symptoms including increased allergies, asthma, sinusitis, memory loss, headaches, impaired vision, chronic fatigue, skin rashes, depression, ADHD, and anxiety.
Hepatic detox profile
The Hepatic Detox Profile measures D-glucaric acid and mercapturic acids. The test provides insight into the body’s ability to detoxifying via phase 1 and phase 2 of the liver. By assessing D-glucaric and mercapturic acids we understand the efficacy of chemical toxin elimination via the liver.
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